How Transition and Global Leadership Coaching Works For Me

With a very busy schedule and always a lot on my plate both personally and professionally, I hoped that my coach would assist me to prioritize, better define my goals, and move towards them in a very positive way. All this Belinda has partnered with me to do using her excellent coaching skills. Using her insights and thoughtful, purposeful questions, I was able to gain clarity around my strengths and goals. I faced some “blocks” head on and with Belinda’s help was able to move beyond them. I also learned that things don’t have to be perfect before I allow myself to let them out into the world. This was a huge breakthrough for me. The thing that I benefitted from and enjoyed the most was the close and trusting relationship that we built up while coaching. Having someone champion me and celebrate my successes along the way, while holding me accountable to do what I said I was going to do has been invaluable to me. During the process I’ve developed more self-belief and seen what I’m capable of. Also, despite a very busy day to day schedule, I can keep moving forward to my goals and dreams. I am in an ongoing coaching relationship with Belinda and know without doubt that I will have many further breakthroughs and successes. I have full confidence in her as coach and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

– Rosemary D., Small Business Owner, Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer, from South Africa, Sarasota, FL – 

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Coaching to Focus and Keep Yourself AccountableLe Coaching: se Recentrer et se Responsabiliser pour Atteindre ses Objectifs

J’ai eu le plaisir d’accompagner une très chère amie dans un projet qui lui tenait à coeur. Voici son témoignage:

1.De quelle manière le processus d’accompagnement ou Coaching vous a permis d’évoluer?
Je me trouvais dans une situation professionnelle très peu stimulante depuis un moment et mon esprit combatif et ambitieux s’était endormi. Du coup j’étais découragée et démotivée tout en me sentant un peu perdue.
Mes cinq sessions de coaching m’ont vite permis de faire le tour de ma situation et de me recentrer sur mes envies. J’ai fait la liste des projets qui me tenaient à cœur et retrouvé la motivation et l’inspiration pour bouger les choses rapidement.

2. Avez obtenu ce que vous souhaitiez de votre expérience avec votre coach?
Tout à fait! Je souhaitais retrouver ma motivation et insuffler du dynamisme dans ma carrière afin d’évoluer et atteindre mes objectifs personnels.

3.Quelle(s) nouvelle(s) force ou qualité aavez vous développé après cette expérience?
J’ai élevé mon niveau d’exigences car j’ai compris que je valais bien plus sur le marché. Cela m’a permis de retrouver ma confiance en moi.

4. Comment aurais pu être une meilleure coach pour vous?
C’est ma première expérience de coaching, aussi il m’est difficile de savoir les limites maximum de ce type d’accompagnement.

5. Qu’est ce qui vous a le plus supris à propos de vous même?
La rapidité du changement opéré chez moi m’a surprise. J’ai eu l’impression d’avoir sauté sur un tremplin.

6. Quel a été le plus grand bénéfice de cet accompagnement?
Le souffle de positivisme et d’énergie qui m’a été donné a été comme un déclic pour moi.

7. Quels sont à vos yeux les principaux éclaircissements obtenus grâce au Coaching?
J’ai fait la liste des projets qui me tenaient à cœur et retrouvé la motivation et l’inspiration pour bouger les choses rapidement.

8. Que ferez vous différemment aujourd’hui?
La planification de mes projets sera organisée par écrit sans me mettre de restriction puisque je peux tout faire!

9. Comment décririez vous votre expérience globale?
Le souffle de positivisme et d’énergie qui m’a été donné a été comme un déclic pour moi. J’ai élevé mon niveau d’exigences car j’ai retrouvé ma confiance en moi. – Audrey.H, French, Spend Management Corporate services – Buyer agent, CGI, Montreal, CA –

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Coaching to Improve Communication SkillsCoaching pour Améliorer la Communication

I had recently received a feedback questionnaire from one of our clients, let me share his experience with you.

As you went through the coaching journey, how did it change things for you?

While I went through the coaching journey, I took conscience of a way to communicate/ to interact with my upper level which did not serve me well. I realized that I probably did not use the good means to report my actions and my initiatives, when I communicated with them. In addition, when I did, it was not very often, I gained clarity on the situation when I started the coaching. I’m now able to communicate on my actions with my upper level, to document my initiatives and the outcomes in order to “sell” myself in a respectful manner for my other colleagues.
The main point was to understand that my level of engagement and what I was doing every day in my work were different from my colleagues because I want to grow professionally.

Did you get what you hoped to get from coaching? Were your expectations met?

It was my first time experiencing coaching; a kind of experiment. I didn’t really have expectations or aims to achieve. However, I’ve faced an understanding person who has pulled the right strings in my mind to help me.

What new strengths can you see you have developed from the experience?

I have developed greater communication skills.

How did you surprise yourself through the coaching series?

My capacity to improve and the ideas I exchanged during the sessions. I kept them unconsciously in my mind, and I finally got the answers a few days ago

Is there a way I could have been a better coach for you?

Maybe if I’ve asked better questions? But, definitely no, you’ve been a great coach.

What will you now do differently?

From now I communicate better and document my work to convey my point of view and my results in order to drive my career in the direction I want. – O.M, Planner Buyer, Bombardier Aerospace, Montreal, CA – I had recently received a feedback questionnaire from one of our clients, let me share his experience with you.

As you went through the coaching journey, how did it change things for you?

While I went through the coaching journey, I took conscience of a way to communicate/ to interact with my upper level which did not serve me well. I realized that I probably did not use the good means to report my actions and my initiatives, when I communicated with them. In addition, when I did, it was not very often, I gained clarity on the situation when I started the coaching. I’m now able to communicate on my actions with my upper level, to document my initiatives and the outcomes in order to “sell” myself in a respectful manner for my other colleagues.
The main point was to understand that my level of engagement and what I was doing every day in my work were different from my colleagues because I want to grow professionally.

Did you get what you hoped to get from coaching? Were your expectations met?

It was my first time experiencing coaching; a kind of experiment. I didn’t really have expectations or aims to achieve. However, I’ve faced an understanding person who has pulled the right strings in my mind to help me.

What new strengths can you see you have developed from the experience?

I have developed greater communication skills.

How did you surprise yourself through the coaching series?

My capacity to improve and the ideas I exchanged during the sessions. I kept them unconsciously in my mind, and I finally got the answers a few days ago

Is there a way I could have been a better coach for you?

Maybe if I’ve asked better questions? But, definitely no, you’ve been a great coach.

What will you now do differently?

From now I communicate better and document my work to convey my point of view and my results in order to drive my career in the direction I want. – O.M, Planner Buyer, Bombardier Aerospace, Montreal, CA –

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Coaching Benefits after a Complimentary SessionPremières Impressions: Première Consultation

(…)You were really thoughtful connecting with me and following up, that’s why I wanted you to understand the situation that I come from. I am pleased to let you know that:

  •         I felt that you could really relate to me and my needs, not only because of your foreign background but because you are a caring person.

  •         I felt motivated as you could spot the achievement s in my life and validate them. That was very reassuring.

  •         I felt that you were empathetic with everything that I am going through while still challenging me to use my capabilities to improve my environment and my situation.

  •         I realized that energy is a common word in our vocabulary and I really value and believe in the power of energy management. That made me feel comfortable with what can come from you.

 Belinda, (…) I am happy to tell you that you were extremely insightful and I am glad I was able to find you on my path. I feel more confident and have more clarity than I had a short while ago and I can assure you that you were responsible for some of my inspirations.
– Paulo De T., Master in Hospitality Management & Full Time Parent, Brazilian, Helsinski, Finland –

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Coaching ExperienceExpérience Partagée du Coaching

I was pleased to work with Yasmine because she is a wonderful person, strong and very intuitive. Already successful, Yasmine wanted to partner with someone who could assist her to keep herself motivated and on track with specific personal and professional goals. She shared below her coaching experience with Equanimity Executive, LLC through an interview:


Question 1: As you went through the coaching journey, how did it change things for you?

Yasmine V.: It is remarkable how you can think you are so focused on a goal and when you start having the one-on-ones with Belinda, you truly realize that in one week it is very easy to be sidetracked. Things changed for me when realizing this and it definitely helps to stay focused on what you want in life.


Question 2: Did you get what you hoped to get from coaching? Were your expectations met?

Yasmine V.: I wasn’t sure what to expect when starting this but thought I would give it a shot. I am very glad I did! Belinda truly assists you in digging deeper into yourself and get a better grasp on life, goals and any obstacles you might be faced with. Sometimes you feel like you know what you want and why…until Belinda comes along and asks questions that make you really look into yourself and unravel what it really is you’re looking for. We are often so stuck on the problems or obstacles we are faced with, we cannot see how we are ever going to overcome them and reach what we want. It seems to me that clarity is the key to achievement, reality seems to prove that. So yes my expectations were met 🙂


Question 3: What new strengths can you see you have developed from the experience?

Yasmine V.: I now finally have an understanding what intuition really is. Learned to recognize it and trust it (in most cases :-)). What individual would not want to have answers to their questions? Who knew they all lie within you and when allowing, all your questions will be answered… not by somebody else but by yourself!


Question 4: Is there a way I could have been a better coach for you?

Yasmine V.: Can’t think of anything.


Question 5: How did you surprise yourself through the coaching series?

Yasmine V.: By receiving answers to questions from within myself that a week before I was stuck on. It amazes me that those answers can just pop up in your head. Also recurring conversations and looking back to what was discussed really highlights all the wonderful items that happen to somebody in a short period of time.


Question 6: What was the thing you benefited from and/or enjoyed the most?

Yasmine V.: Being able to refocus every single week. Even when you think you are focused on your goals when having sessions with Belinda it truly helps to keep you on track. It is amazing how life throws things at you every day that kind of get you sidetracked.

It is extremely helpful to be able to speak with somebody who only holds your best interest at heart without putting their opinion on you somehow. That is exactly what Belinda does. She can hold an objective perspective and asks specific questions that make you think about a situation differently and this process for me has been eye-opening. Let’s face it even though we all love our friends when discussing personal experiences with them very often our friends will reply based on what their experience has been or is. Belinda focuses only on your experience which allows you to develop a different perspective and see clearly what the next step to take is.


Question 7: What do you see as the major insights or breakthroughs you made through coaching?

Yasmine V.I was able to achieve quite a few of my goals during the timeframe I had sessions with Belinda. And of course recognizing that intuition was one of the biggest gifts ever!


Question 8: What will you now do differently?

Yasmine V.: When stuck I am doing my best to stop and ask myself questions that make me see a different perspective. I trust my intuition more and more and now is the only place I look for answers. Diminishing self-doubt, general doubt and fear in general is something I have gained a different perspective upon.


Question 9: On the overall experience and how could you word this?

Yasmine V.: Working with Belinda was a blessing and has helped me to stay focused on the many goals I had set out. Even during the short time frame I was able to work with her, I have achieved quite a bit of those goals (they truly seemed impossible at one point in time). The possibility to share with her without her loosing perspective is priceless! – Yasmine V, Tarzana, CA – I was pleased to work with Yasmine because she is a wonderful person, strong and very intuitive. Already successful, Yasmine wanted to partner with someone who could assist her to keep herself motivated and on track with specific personal and professional goals. She shared below her coaching experience with Equanimity Executive, LLC through an interview:


Question 1: As you went through the coaching journey, how did it change things for you?

Yasmine V.: It is remarkable how you can think you are so focused on a goal and when you start having the one-on-ones with Belinda, you truly realize that in one week it is very easy to be sidetracked. Things changed for me when realizing this and it definitely helps to stay focused on what you want in life.


Question 2: Did you get what you hoped to get from coaching? Were your expectations met?

Yasmine V.: I wasn’t sure what to expect when starting this but thought I would give it a shot. I am very glad I did! Belinda truly assists you in digging deeper into yourself and get a better grasp on life, goals and any obstacles you might be faced with. Sometimes you feel like you know what you want and why…until Belinda comes along and asks questions that make you really look into yourself and unravel what it really is you’re looking for. We are often so stuck on the problems or obstacles we are faced with, we cannot see how we are ever going to overcome them and reach what we want. It seems to me that clarity is the key to achievement, reality seems to prove that. So yes my expectations were met 🙂


Question 3: What new strengths can you see you have developed from the experience?

Yasmine V.: I now finally have an understanding what intuition really is. Learned to recognize it and trust it (in most cases :-)). What individual would not want to have answers to their questions? Who knew they all lie within you and when allowing, all your questions will be answered… not by somebody else but by yourself!


Question 4: Is there a way I could have been a better coach for you?

Yasmine V.: Can’t think of anything.


Question 5: How did you surprise yourself through the coaching series?

Yasmine V.: By receiving answers to questions from within myself that a week before I was stuck on. It amazes me that those answers can just pop up in your head. Also recurring conversations and looking back to what was discussed really highlights all the wonderful items that happen to somebody in a short period of time.


Question 6: What was the thing you benefited from and/or enjoyed the most?

Yasmine V.: Being able to refocus every single week. Even when you think you are focused on your goals when having sessions with Belinda it truly helps to keep you on track. It is amazing how life throws things at you every day that kind of get you sidetracked.

It is extremely helpful to be able to speak with somebody who only holds your best interest at heart without putting their opinion on you somehow. That is exactly what Belinda does. She can hold an objective perspective and asks specific questions that make you think about a situation differently and this process for me has been eye-opening. Let’s face it even though we all love our friends when discussing personal experiences with them very often our friends will reply based on what their experience has been or is. Belinda focuses only on your experience which allows you to develop a different perspective and see clearly what the next step to take is.


Question 7: What do you see as the major insights or breakthroughs you made through coaching?

Yasmine V.I was able to achieve quite a few of my goals during the timeframe I had sessions with Belinda. And of course recognizing that intuition was one of the biggest gifts ever!


Question 8: What will you now do differently?

Yasmine V.: When stuck I am doing my best to stop and ask myself questions that make me see a different perspective. I trust my intuition more and more and now is the only place I look for answers. Diminishing self-doubt, general doubt and fear in general is something I have gained a different perspective upon.


Question 9: On the overall experience and how could you word this?

Yasmine V.: Working with Belinda was a blessing and has helped me to stay focused on the many goals I had set out. Even during the short time frame I was able to work with her, I have achieved quite a bit of those goals (they truly seemed impossible at one point in time). The possibility to share with her without her loosing perspective is priceless! – Yasmine V, Tarzana, CA –

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Great ThanksUn Grand Merci

Ms. Brown is helping me tremendously with some personal goals I have set for myself. She makes you see what if any patterns you have that needs to be broken in order to move forward and accomplish your goals. Ms. Brown is invaluable in my search for a happier and more fullfilled life. – Maud Poudat, Immigration Lawyer, Orlando, FL – Ms. Brown is helping me tremendously with some personal goals i have set for myself. She makes you see what if any patterns you have that needs to be broken in order to move forward and accomplish your goals. Ms. Brown is invaluable in my search for a happier and more fullfilled life. – Maud Poudat, Immigration Lawyer, Orlando, FL –

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Working with Belinda has given me the confidence to start my own business. Without her coaching I would not have started the business. Belinda has a great ability to listen and find the real issue and coach you through them. She has helped me to be a better person, manager, husband, and father. When I get stuck I still go back to my notes from our coaching sessions, and she stills get me through the blocks. Thanks for everything Belinda. – Trent Reeves, Managing Senior Instructor, Boca Raton, FL – Working with Belinda has given me the confidence to start my own business. Without her coaching I would not have started the business. Belinda has a great ability to listen and find the real issue and coach you through them. She has helped me to be a better person, manager, husband, and father. When I get stuck I still go back to my notes from our coaching sessions, and she stills get me through the blocks. Thanks for everything Belinda. – Trent Reeves, Managing Senior Instructor, Boca Raton, FL –

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