How to Overcome a Challenge at Work | The Bully Phenomenon

When you read Whitney Johnston’s  article which describes bullying behaviors in an original manner, you realize how common the bully phenomenon is.

Bully exists, and sadly many people don’t realize they have been bullied; they lose self confidence and self esteem while working with this “sweet” leader or coworker who slows them down by using their weaknesses. For them, the workplace is perceived as hostile and their engagement may dramatically decrease in such a stressful environment.

According to the Workplace Bullying Institute,”  up to a third of workers may be the victims of workplace bullying. About twenty percent of workplace bullying crosses the line into harassment. The New York Times found that about sixty percent of workplace bullies are men, and they tend to bully male and female employees equally. Female bullies, however, are more likely to bully other females. This may be because there is more pressure on females trying to succeed in male-dominated workplace, and more competition between females for promotions.

Regardless of its source, workplace bullying can have serious negative effects on employees, such as:


-Absenteeism and low productivity

-Lowered self-esteem and depression


-Digestive upsets

-High blood pressure


-Trouble with relationships due to stress over work

-Post traumatic stress disorder ”

Successful individuals and organizations, require assistance to solve a conflict or to improve a relationship with a difficult coworker or leader and to learn how to overcome a challenge at work.

By exploring strengths and weaknesses that were exhibited we work on gaining the confidence back. When weaknesses become opportunities to develop new strengths, the bully is usually caught off guard and reassesses his/her behavior accordingly.

The process developed by Equanimity Executive, LLC is powerful and allow the person bullied to be aware and to respond to these situations in a way that will empower them. For organizations, the real benefits are to enhance relationships and encourage fierce conversations about the topic.

Learn how to overcome a challenge at work by contacting us for your free consultation. 

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Busy at Work and Still Bored?

Mark de Rond in his article  about being busy at work and still feel bored gives perspectives to many people who find themselves in the exact same situation. These individuals feel lucky to have a job or a career that anyone would want, but they still feel unfulfilled or unsatisfied wondering what is wrong with them.

Luck is mentioned in the article; it doesn’t appear to me to be the reason which led Mark to make his life purposeful.  At some point he felt bored, acknowledged this feeling then chose to respond according to what was in his best interest as a human being. He found himself at a place where he had confidence in his abilities and his potential. In addition, he took responsibility as well to tell his boss, the only luck he (maybe) had was to have him to listen and to support him in his journey.

Mark made actually a very good point by talking about the ego piece. Many people experiencing success at work and in life for a period of time. Suddenly “the key to a meaningful life — at work and elsewhere — lies in turning our focus from ourselves to “the other” “. Indeed, when basics needs are met and that we have confidence in our abilities, our ego lessens in our mind it lets larger space for reflection. We then look for greater purpose for ourselves, our families and our organizations and we turn naturally ourselves to others.

It is an article that I will definitely share with clients to illustrate some of situations they experience. It will certainly bring light to many of them.

Reflection and exploration of what you really want will lead to enthusiasm and excitment. 

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How Coaching Helps Release from the Chains of Technology Se liberer des chaines de la technologie grace au coaching

Matthieu Scherrer, chief editor of the French magazine Management sets the tone in its edito “to isolate itself in its bubble to stop lounging “. Frank Esser, the boss of SFR, uncontested leader advocates the isolation chosen from any technology to simply reconnect with his co-workers or get down to a complex task. The magazine prepared a special file which addresses executives, leaders, but also each employee. I take the opportunity to share with you a brief summary of the issue of January.

Christophe André, psychiatrist, notices that we use more and more information channels which produce constant interruptions. “The periods of peace, slowness and continuity split” too, which becomes a problem in the organizations and in our daily life, because it is during these periods of peace, slowness and of continuity we develop our reasoning, our ideas but also our creativity from where results the innovation. In every interruption (email, SMS, twit, phone call, vibrator) we need 64 seconds to re-connect with our task or our idea!! Incredible! While we take into account the fact that 65 % of the French employees verify their emails every 5 minutes and that our time of conscious attention is only 20 minutes per hour.

By being more concentrated how many of us would be more effective? Imagine having the opportunity to focus on a conversation with somebody more than 2 minutes without being interrupted by your telephone, blackberry or an email, what quality of life would you have? What would be the productivity of your employees? How many decisions would be already taken and in phase of implementation?

How to release us from those chains of the technology? The liberation comes from the awareness. In the current situation we are literally bombarded by the information, we are ceaselessly stimulated, we live in the urgency leaving no more place to the calm, to the silence and thus little place space on second thought which would allow us to manage more effectively our life, to respond instead of reacting in order to prioritize and to create choices.

The Coaching or personalized accompaniment of the individual develops because people needs to step back, to re-connect with their Core, with reflection and creativity which are part of each of us.

First, a tool used to accompany poor performance, Coaching became a tool of the elite reserved for our executives and leaders, nowadays coaching specialized and available at each level.

The coach besides accompanying the professional and personal development of the individual is also the means to know individual paces among which the rhythm of sleep, the hours of better productivity (Laure Cailloce’s article p36 of the magazine), and also to identify feelings and reactions, as well as to learn to live in aligned with our Core Self and with others in any situations.Matthieu Scherrer, rédacteur en chef du magazine Management donne le ton dans son edito “S’isoler dans sa bulle pour arrêter de buller”. Frank Esser, le patron de SFR, leader incontesté prône l’isolement choisi de toute technologie afin de connecter avec ses collaborateurs ou de s’atteler à une tâche complexe. Le magazine a préparé un dossier spécial qui s’adresse aux cadres, aux dirigeants, mais aussi à tout salarié. Je profite de l’occasion pour partager avec vous un résumé succinct du numéro de ce mois de Janvier.

Christophe André , psychiatre, constate que nous utilisons de plus en plus de canaux qui produisent des interruptions constantes. “Les périodes de calme, de lenteur et de continuité se fractionnent” elles aussi, ce qui est devient un problème dans le fonctionnement des entreprises et dans la vie de tout un chacun, car ce sont durant ces périodes de calme, de lenteurs et de continuité que nous développons notre raisonnement, nos idées mais aussi notre créativité d’où provient l’innovation. A chaque interruption (email, sms, twit, coup de tél, vibreur…) il nous faut 64 secondes pour reconnecter avec notre tâche ou notre idée!! Incroyable quand on tient compte du fait que 65% des salariés français vérifient leurs emails toutes les 5 minutes et que notre temps d’attention consciente par heure n’est que de 20 minutes.

En étant plus concentrés combien d’entre nous seraient plus efficaces? Imaginez avoir la possibilité de vous focaliser sur une conversation avec quelqu’un plus de 2 minutes sans être interrompu par votre téléphone, blackberry ou un email, quelle qualité de vie auriez-vous? Quelles seraient la productivité de vos employés? Combien de décisions seraient déjà prise et en phase d’implémentation?

Comment faire pour nous libérer des chaînes de la technologie me demanderont certains ? La libération vient de la prise de conscience. Dans les conditions actuelles où nous sommes littéralement bombardés par l’information, nous sommes sans cesse stimulé, nous vivons dans l’urgence ne laissant plus de place au calme, au silence et donc très peu de place à la réflexion qui nous permettrait de gérer plus efficacement notre vie, de répondre au lieu de réagir et de se donner des priorités.

Le Coaching ou accompagnement personnalisé de l’individu se développe car il y a un besoin d’une prise de recul, de temps pour reconnecter avec Soi, avec sa réflexion et la créativité qui est part de chacun d’entre nous.

Tout d’abord outil de recadrage d’un collaborateur peu performant ou n’atteignant pas ses objectifs, le coaching est devenu un outil de l’élite réservé à nos cadres et dirigeants, puis le coaching s’est spécialisé et se démocratise peu à peu.

Le consultant/coach en plus d’accompagner le développement professionnel et personnel d’un collaborateur est aussi le moyen de connaître son rythme individuel parmi lesquels le rythme de sommeil, les heures de meilleures productivité (article de Laure Cailloce p36 du magazine), d’identifier ses émotions et ses réactions, ainsi que d’apprendre à vivre en harmonie avec soi-même et avec les autres en toutes situations.

Visiter pour de plus amples informations.

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