For many of us who feel the hustle in our veins, we are always trying to level
up in our careers. Success is a constant carrot dangling in front of our
noses; the higher we climb, the more we want to continue. The fastest way
to progress your career and achieve your dreams is to create your own
momentum, which can be easier said than done.


Let me take you back to middle school science class for a moment.
Momentum is calculated as mass multiplied by velocity. So the more you
expand and grow and the speed in which you do it creates momentum. It is
hard to start the pendulum swinging when you are at rest, but once you get
moving, momentum in your career will build, and there will be no stopping
you! While there are many ways to build momentum in your industry, here
are some options that you can start with right now.

Learn to Recognize and Create Your Own Opportunities

Opportunity is always out there. The more you train yourself to recognize
them, the more opportunities will present themselves to you. Whether it’s a
new networking connection suggesting you meet for coffee sometime, a
manager looking for solutions on a company pain point, or a local school
needing volunteers to work with students on Career Day, opportunity exists
in many forms. Take note, and throw yourself in wholeheartedly! You never
know where a conversation can lead.

If you are finding that you are in something of an “opportunity drought,” dig
deep and create a new endeavor for yourself. Map out a proposal for an
exciting project at work. Finally, start writing the book you’ve always wanted
to publish. Learn to code your own website. Regardless of what you want to
pursue, you don’t need anyone’s permission to do it. Adding more irons to
your fire will help your career ignite.

Talk Up Your Endeavors

As you embark on the countless opportunities at your fingertips, don’t forget
to tell people what you are up to! They will never know about your new skills
and adventures if you never bring them up! Plus, your coworkers, family,
and friends are likely to want to support you in any way they can. As you
create buzz around yourself and your work, the odds become higher for your

For those of you who avoid self-promotion because you don’t want to “brag,”
don’t think of it in a negative way. Whatever your career entails, it likely involves helping others in some way and that has value. Plus, when you
encourage others to talk up what’s new in their lives as well, and offer them
your own support, you are creating a mutual benefit.

Give Back and Support Others

On a more spiritual side, gratitude and goodwill create more abundance in
your life. By being grateful for where you are right now, you are inviting
more good things into your life. Giving back generates good karma, and
gives you connections with others who you may be able to collaborate with
in the future.

Whether you become a mentor, volunteer with a local organization, or
simply broadcast the successes of others, you are broadening your horizons,
learning new skills, and reminding yourself of what is truly important in life.
At the end of the day, true success means having a positive impact on
someone else, whatever that looks like to you. Regardless of anything else
going on in your work and personal life, if you took the time today to help
others, you are a success.

Essentially, creating momentum in your career starts and ends with you.
Putting yourself out into the world and using your work to interact with
society is crucial to growth and progress. Don’t hold back. Take some risks.
Do what you’ve always wanted.

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