There are many dramatic and saddening events that have happened in the world as of late. We’ve been almost overwhelmed with stress and negativity related to politics and world events.

This energy is contagious. Negative things are absolutely everywhere online and offline. I’m usually optimistic and I know how to practice detached involvement, but still this negative energy has had an impact on me.

Two places that I call home, Paris and Orlando, have been targeted in terror attacks. I didn’t want to blame anyone for this and feel a sense of victimhood because that’s just who I am. I believe there is a way for people to redeem themselves and I don’t want to judge at all.

Take Responsibility for Your Emotions

At the same time, I felt powerless. This is one of the worst feelings ever. When a situation seems unfair, negative thoughts and patterns follow that end up having an impact on everything in your life.

Many of us choose anger in this situation because it seems better than feeling powerless, but this catabolic emotion is actually draining you and making you feel worse. Even if you aren’t aware of it, you will bring heavyness to your environment and the people you’re with.

What can you do to channel the energy of victimhood to something more constructive?

As a coach, I’ve been practicing this for a long time, but when overwhelming events occur, anyone can get in a place where they just want to be angry. When this happens, make sure you are in charge of how you feel and how long you’re staying there. If not, everything around you will fall into a negative spiral.

Stay in Observation Mode

Change doesn’t occur with the snap of your finger. Preparing for change begins with simply noticing what’s happening. When emotions are coming into your mind and negative thoughts are popping up, stay in observation mode as long as you can.

Watch what is happening and write down your thoughts. Write down all the emotions you’re experiencing. When situations are difficult, you won’t just feel one emotion. You’ll see anger, guilt, conflict, and more. Write it all down to get it out of your head.

When we notice these emotions, sometimes we tend to get more upset. Be comfortable with it. You are in the right place. Observe and keep going. This is an important step to recycle negative emotion by first identifying the story you’re telling.

Plant the Seeds of Change

Write down where you want to be, how you want to feel, and what the ideal solution would be. Simply take out a piece of paper or take notes on your phone. It takes a few seconds.

This step will help you lower your level of stress and reconnect with your thoughts. You’ll begin to see potential opportunities in your situation.

When I was in the situation of processing all these terrible situations in the world, I was angry, sad, and powerless. The only thing I was thinking about was talking about it in a negative way. At first, I felt a bit better, but then I realized I was sharing my negative energy with the people around me.

I decided it was time to create something out of this negative energy. I wanted to channel it to build, design, or create something powerful. Negativity takes everything out of you, but what if you could create something that served you instead of drained you?

I imagined how I want to show up and make a difference in this world. What could it be? How would it make me feel? What could be the potential outcome?

Transform Energy into Action

The intention was about channeling my sense of powerless and anger toward something that would make me feel good and empowered. So I drove to Home Depot and set up a raised garden bed in my yard in less than 45 minutes. I planted herbs and re-planted all my other plants.

I felt accomplished and positive while I was setting up my garden. My stress level lowered dramatically. My mind was filled with positive thoughts of upcoming plans and delicious recipes with fresh fruit and vegetables. As my body moved muscles I didn’t remember existed, I felt alive. Mentally, I was given so much energy and creative ideas about how to help others. I was so confident that I could do something about it.

Today is the time to plant the seeds of change and focus on what will make you happy. What will help you bring change and positive energy to your life?

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