Going through the Soul Coaching TM program, I find myself reflecting on my body.

We often dissociate our body from ourselves and we don’t always take the time to reconnect with it. It feels good to step back to observe our body and to find out what are our beliefs about it. How do you perceive yourself in this body? How does people perceive you through your body? How aligned are your core values with your body?

We want to reconnect, appreciate it and cleanse it like we would clean our house or our car.

Many stressful events happen in our life, we are living in a society were stress has been accepted as part of a job assignment and even of our kids college education. We learn to live with it and we manage very well or not well to handle any situation. At these times, we absorb this stress our body print it as well in every cell. It means that it is very important to “listen” to your body regularly by learning to appreciate it and to respect it.

When was the last time you had a conversation with your body?

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