The corporate ladder isn’t necessarily a straight, upward climb, especially if you’re female. Many women are sometimes pushed to move down a rung to make room for others, or feel like they are at a complete standstill in their careers. Consider these questions:

Do you feel stuck in your career and your life?

Have you been passed over for a new job or promote despite being qualified?

Was your last raise not what you deserve?

It is extremely common for the answer to be “yes” for all three of these questions. Women consistently struggle to be recognized and valued in companies, regardless of the quality of their work. Know that you are not alone in this. However, there is room for everyone to succeed—you do not need to make room for others; the world is abundant with opportunities. You may have done everything right in the past, but now is the time to change your strategy and operate differently to get the results you want. These tips will help you rebrand yourself and rewire your mindset to help make you unstoppable!

Identify and Break Out of Self Limitations

Its time to do a mental check-in with yourself to identify your potential blind spots. What assumptions are you making about yourself? What stories are you telling yourself? How are you limiting yourself based on your assumptions and insecurities? Once you recognize how you hold yourself back, you can work to empower yourself. You absolutely must perceive yourself differently in order to move forward. Your mindset affects how you show up each day and it matters.

Recognize and Use Your Feminine Powers

It’s true—women are magical in every facet of their lives. And yes, I mean you. You just have to learn to tap into those special feminine powers rather than be afraid of them. Chiefly among these are your emotions. Women often want to avoid being called emotional, so they block out their feelings. Firstly, this isn’t good for your mental health. Secondly, emotions are an important signal that your values and expectations are not being met—listen to them. Your internal compass is trying to get in touch with you and you can use that to your advantage. Learning mastery of emotions is critical. Notice that I didn’t say control your emotions. We all want to have control over everything, but we are only human. But by mastering our emotions, we can channel them to reach our goals and have a unique edge.

Define Success On Your Own Terms

We all fall into this trap; thinking we aren’t successful if we don’t do x, y, and z, because everyone else does that. But we all come from and exist within different circumstances. We have different strengths and weakness, and our own hopes and dreams. We work so hard to live according to others’ expectations, but so often it makes none of us happy. We need to throw the conventional blueprint out the window and do things our own way. Rather than accepting the roles society gives us, we need to figure out what is fulfilling to us and what that looks like. That way you avoid guilt and disempowering emotions that exhaust you and you can truly focus on your own path and making it work for you. No more wasting time and energy on things that don’t matter to us.

These tips require a bit of soul searching; be honest with yourself in the process. You can only change what you acknowledge, and by getting rid of the thoughts and circumstances you don’t want, you have the mental energy to embrace the good in your life and create more abundance in your career. You will show up for life more confidently, more assertively, and more authentically, and that will benefit you in the long run.


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