In today’s busy world, between work and family commitments, plus any other hobbies or passions, you might feel like you need to be Superwoman to get it all done! There are ways to make the most of the hours you have in a day so that you can get maximum impact with some semblance of a work-life balance.

Get Control of Your Inbox!

Trying to keep up with your email can be a huge time commitment. Answering questions and attending to the needs of others is of course, part of most jobs, but it does detract from the other tasks you need to complete. You can get this time spent answering emails back in two ways. The first is setting designated times throughout the day that you check your email—and then let coworkers and clients know. This way, they know when to expect a response from you and you do not have to feel “on-call” while you are trying to be productive. If anyone has an urgent matter that requires immediate attention, they can call or come talk you in person if they are able. Secondly, remove all email notifications from your phone or computer. This will prevent you from being tempted to check your inbox as emails come in and will keep you from being distracted. Both of these methods will help you stop feeling tethered to your email and free to get your work done. An added bonus is that you will not feel you have to check your email at home when you are off the clock, so you can dedicate your evenings and weekends to your family, friends, and hobbies.

Think Ahead: Choose Where Your Energy Goes

Many tasks and opportunities vie for our attention every day; however, the ones that are urgent and need to be handled immediately tend to absorb most of our energy. However, this means we don’t have time to attend to the important (but not urgent) agenda items, which later become “fires” that we have to put out. It is important that we work proactively, as well as reactively, to prevent any crises from flaring up down the road. Your goals shouldn’t just reflect an outcome, but also practical steps to achieve that result, which will put you ahead of the game.

In order to free up more time, you need to choose what gets your attention and energy. Putting away your cell phone and avoiding social media will absolutely give you more time in your day and help you be more present in your work because you will not be constantly checking notifications, returning texts, or tweeting a random thought. Studies show that it can take up to ten minutes to get refocused after an interruption; by eliminating some of these distractions you will be able to focus and put your best foot forward. Choosing to direct your energy towards your work, rather than the outside world will ensure that you accomplish tasks that get you ahead in your career, rather than surrendering to the modern technologies that eat up your precious time. Similarly, being conscious about distractions and focusing your energy will help you to be more present when you spend quality time with loved ones.

Evaluate Your Energy Levels Throughout the Day

In order to make the most of your day, you need to understand the times and situations you work best in. When do you have the most energy and focus? When do you begin to feel tired and sluggish? This is different for everyone. Take the time to notice how you feel during your day. Do you like to jump right into your day and start to get tired after lunch? Or do you need a few hours in the morning to wake up before you hit your stride? Once you learn your body’s internal clock, you can plan the best ways to use those peaks and valleys of energy. Strategizing and complex projects should be reserved for when you are feeling your best, whereas the simple, mindless tasks can be done when you are feeling low-energy.

Of course, in many jobs you do not always have the luxury of planning out your day in the way that you would like. At those times, a nutritious snack or some coffee can help you summon some energy and motivation.

Women often try to do it all, to varying degrees of success. However, by reclaiming your time, removing distractions, and listening to your body, you can unlock extra pockets of time that have previously been used inefficiently. You’ll be surprised by the balance and productivity you will achieve simply by managing the demands on you in new ways.

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