The Underutilized Talents of Women LeadersLe Talent des Femmes Cadres Souvent Inutilisé

The Underutilized Talents of Women Leaders

There is a Difference of vision between men and women

Many companies are currently struggling with realizing and adapting to the differences in male and female mentalities in the workplace. As described in a Forbes online article, Retention of Female Executives – How to Get it Right by Dr. Cindy Wahler, “Men begin the process with the bottom line and engage in tactics.  These tactics dictate the approach on how they need to grow their business, build client relationships, and be more competitive.

Women on the other hand work first to build inclusion, relationships both internal and external are cultivated as the platform from which negotiations are then launched.  The process of discussing the merits of an approach, sorting out who does what and when, as well as determining the best combination of skills is an approach that is articulated out loud.  A collaborative process then drives consensus, agreed upon roles, and ongoing dialogue.”

This difference has caused many women executives to feel a sense of isolation and that the company’s decision makers are not paying attention. This causes many skilled women executives to leave their jobs at the peak of their careers either to go to the non-profit sector or to look for the organization that will align with their values and give them a sense of purpose !

The Workplace even when it promotes diversity is still hostile

Women in the workplace are highly susceptible to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness due to the structure of how things are done within the company. Men and women have different tactics and strategies, and this difference can create a sense of isolation and discord.

Many subconscious feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness can be manifested through experiencing numerous emotions, and this is especially true for women leaders and women executives. Some of the symptoms include:

Constantly feeling out of place 
A sense of frustration because you can’t seem to ever get ahead even though you believe and know that you have good ideas
Aggravation that your job seems to be more about continuously putting out fires and fixing problems, which requires a lot of “have to” and “need to” energy
You know ways to accomplish more with less stress in less time with less effort but no one is willing to listen
Stressing out over workplace conflict created by the conflicting and competing visions between men and women
Tired of the all too common “negative” corporate culture where the focus is strictly on profit and competition
Not fitting into the “men” mold that is integrated into the corporate culture
Finding yourself limited in your actions
Realizing that your core values are not honored
Any regrets

This difference, if overlooked, costs millions of dollars to organizations

All too often, organizations assess the lack of stability of women executives to a “woman trait”. They rarely question the fact that the culture and values of the organization might be outdated and not represent their workforce or even their clients anymore. Organizations, made by people,  are afraid of change and believe that something terrible will happen if they take a leap of faith to do something different. Many of us do not realize that the status quo hold many women back which limit the creativity  and ability of an organization to innovate. Moreover, we “push” women to stay at a job that makes them unhappy .

Corporate America has changed, the culture of organizations can change as well

It is very important to be able to identify things that are causing dissatisfaction in your life or in your organization. These can be detrimental to your well-being, your female workforce level of engagement and your bottom line.

Remember the last time you took a leap of faith, like many of us you regretted you didn’t make the decision sooner. Don’t let this be you or your organization! Utilize Human Capital consciously and respectfully by exploring women’s vision and creating a new culture with shared values!


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Transition Career? Need for a Change?

Obvious Signs You Need to Make a Change

When is it Time to Make a Change in Your Life or a Transition Career?

There are several “red flags” or signs that you are not happy with your life or career. Some of these include under-performance in certain aspects or requirements for your job, reluctance to participate, stresses on relationships, or feeling stuck. The following list highlights various aspects of your work and home life that you may or may not be feeling good about.

Communication Skills
You feel that you cannot communicate effectively with anyone in your life or you find that you come across as negative through your tone and body language when you communicate with others

You feel drained of positive energy every day that lasts throughout the day, at work and at home or you feel simply negative.

Engagement at Work
When you are not satisfied with your job, your engagement with your job tasks and duties can suffer greatly.

Family Relationships
You are not happy with your relationships with your family, or you feel that they are suffering or that they cause you stress

Financial Success
You are not pleased with your financial success, or you feel that you are not paid what you are worth

Health and Wellness
Do you feel good in your skin or do you think that there are areas that you should improve in your health or wellness? Do you suffer from physical symptoms of stress or stress-related illnesses?

Intimate Relationships
Do you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your intimate relationships? Or do you feel that they have become cold, distant, or nonexistent?

Leadership Ability
You feel that your team and your coworkers do not help you in your role and do not hear you or you feel that you have lost control or never had it to begin with? Does it make you frustrated?

Personal Freedom
People are getting in your way, you are unable to work at your pace or to do things your way, or make decisions for yourself. You struggle to have time for yourself.

Projects you are working on seem to never end. You can’t concentrate or finish a single thing due to the amount of tasks on your to do list.

Spiritual Connection
Do you feel fulfilled and connected with your inner self or beliefs? Or do you feel that you are missing something?

Time Management
Are you happy with the boundaries and system that you have in place to tackle tasks? Or do you feel that you have too much on your plate and never have time for anything?

Work/Life Balance
You feel dissatisfied with the amount of time that you give to your job and your family and personal life. Your workload is dominating or consuming your personal life.

Working Relationships
You feel your relationships at work are tense where you expected synergy.

Happiness and Fulfillment
Overall, you feel generally in an unhappy state of mind and feel that you go from one thing to another without true purpose or you do not receive satisfaction from the things that you do. It seems that a black cloud is following you at times.

If you feel that you are not happy with your performance in three or more of the aforementioned facets of your life, it may be time to reconsider your passions and priorities to make a needed change. Once you identify which aspects you are dissatisfied with, you can weigh your options and create a plan of action.

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Emotional Intelligence For Executives and Leaders

Be Aware, Express and Manage your Emotions

Why Exploring Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence - Executive CoachingWe are holistic beings and emotions like our mental or physical states make us who we are…With their continuous research on Emotional Intelligence, Salovey and Mayer paves way to model of Emotional Intelligence partially redefining it as “The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth.”

In the corporate environment, most of us deal with emotions in the following manner.

We do not recognize the verbal and non verbal communication signs of emotional reactions
We judge Emotions as Good or Bad, consequently negative emotions are the symptoms of an abnormal behavior
We still promote IQ vs EQ
We assume Emotions do not have a place in a work environment nor in re-engineering or process oriented initiatives
We think that showing Emotions makes us vulnerable

In a world constantly shrinking, hard skills are well mastered by most of us. We expect more than hard skills in leaders, we look for stronger relationships, for meaningful communication and for collaboration.
To make the difference in a competitive world, we cannot rely anymore on gaining more hard skills and education but on understanding how to use what we have acquired and communicate efficiently.

You can be the most brilliant scientist or the most intelligent executive and not bring the value your organization and your team are looking for. Indeed, while you focus strictly on your knowledge and your intelligence to perform, you miss to evaluate your behavior driven by your emotions. Many times, our emotions speaks for us without us noticing it. It greatly impacts our communication and collaboration with others. If you are not aware of your emotions, you might show up in a way that totally deserve you and your hard work. You better be able to recognize your emotions and to understand them in order to prevent any misunderstanding or worst lack of communication.
Time of delegation/execution is over and you will find yourself struggling to deliver if you cannot collaborate with others.

One things we want to keep in mind is that collaboration works well only when people needs are met.

Emotions are signals and they impact greatly your leadership abilities:

We learned to push away our emotions, to hide them or to let them sit for later…

Let me ask you this:


By being aware of our emotions we simply listen to signals: anger or frustration can be called “emotional pains”, we understand not only our behavior but behaviors of people surrounding us. Behind an emotion there is always a thought; it is not unusual to pair an emotion to a thought based on limiting beliefs, interpretations, assumptions or fears. Awareness of this emotion will make you aware of the thought and then you will be able to choose the response you want to give consciously instead of being driven by automatic reaction linked to a past experience or a belief.

In a multicultural work environment it is more important to notice and observe your own and others people emotions expressed through gestures, postures or verbal communication. Indeed, it is easy to judge an individual by considering alone their behavior and not understand their motives.

Emotional intelligence is the kind of ability that can enable you to identify, assess, and manage emotions in a way that will serve you and your interlocutor. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) will ensure you to get things done and going in a common desired direction.

Emotions to Enhance your career, your life and your relationships:
Hidden and unexpressed emotions, which are individually manageable simply pile up in a part of your mind and your body. One day, those emotions become unmanageable, here come depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other chronic diseases. Using emotional Intelligence will benefit you in many ways:

EQ helps to clarify communication
EQ to release catabolic energy
EQ will make you and other heard and understood
EQ will ensure that your behavior is aligned with what you say

Imagine how much more motivation and engagement you will get from having a clear and positive exchange with your team or your spouse. Imagine your life with less frustration and more pleasure. Imagine your level of productivity increasing by the simple fact of being heard and understood. 

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Goals Setting: Ease Your Life

Goals Setting with Leadership and Executive Coaching

Goals Settings TestimonialBelinda helped me to follow through with my to-do list and tackle self-motivation issues that come with working alone from home and preparing for the important transition that is welcoming a baby. While working going through the leadership coaching program we assessed my needs, set concrete timelines to my action plans, and I was able to achieve all my set goals (SMART Goals Setting ). Once I reached those goals, we brainstormed to define a strategy and to find more creative and cost effective ways to promote my business. With great positive results from clients and prospects I have now a strategy in place that will keep my business growing while having my baby. With Belinda’s help I have a better and bigger program in place than I would ever thought I would be able to implement. What I liked the most was to have an experienced “sparring partner” that held me accountable, challenge my beliefs and with who I could bounce off my ideas to get new impulses.

~Antje P.,from Germany, Managing Partner, Firewall Computer Services, LLC, Orlando, FL


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Time Management TipsGestion du Temps

Time Management TestimonialSpeaking Engagement on Time Management and Emotional Intelligence.

Thank you again for speaking recently at our Coffee Club and Nona’s Café con Leche networking group. We have received numerous compliments on your presentation and the message you delivered at each of those meetings. We definitely appreciated how you tailored your messages on Emotional Intelligence and on Time Management to fit our audience. By doing this, you were able to engage the audience right way, provided examples they could relate to and walk away with tips and tools they could apply immediately.
I will keep you in mind for future opportunities to speak. If I hear of anyone looking for a guest speaker, I’ll be sure to pass on your information. Once again, thank you for your time and professional services to the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce.

~Gege Venant Saintilus, Membership Director at the East Orlando Chamber Of Commerce, Orlando , FL


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Communication skills in a diverse and multicultural environment

The price YOU pay for poor communication:

Health: high level of stress due to frustration
Budget: between 25% and 40% of your annual budget
Productivity: $26,041 of productivity loss per worker per year
Customer service: decrease of customer satisfaction
Change management: ineffectiveness in growing yourself and your organization
Engagement: Employees’ disengagement
Late project deliveries

Among all the challenges in a multi-cultural environment undoubtedly the most difficult to handle is the communication skill as it is how we express ourselves, share information, develop relationships, establish trusts and above all build a multicultural environment even with the establishment of a Creole language. Even the native users of a language have trouble with the proper understanding of certain expressions- either verbal or non-verbal, accents, or dialects of sub-cultural groups in a country.

Low Impact of Words on Communication

Low Impact of Words in Communication

Source: Dr. Albert Mehrabian, UCLA


Verbal Communication Skills in a multi-cultural Environment:

Apparently, to its basic level communication is quite easy with a limited knowledge of a different language; however a successful communication in a working environment requires a high level of expertise. For example, English, the most widely spoken language, can put a native user of this language in difficulties while talking to a person from another English speaking nation as the accents, word usage, and dialects varied to a great extent in the UK English, US English or in Australian English. So, the verbal skill involves your ability to understand different accents, to use it in an internationally recognizable pronunciation and to master the word-craft-ship in the better correlation with the signifier and signified.

For an effective communication even the underlying or implied meaning of a statement has to be known along with the linguistic one as in almost every culture idiomatic expressions are very common to be used widely. Additionally the cultural-bound terms may have the chance to bewilder you even if you are a native user of a language as these sorts of terms are identical to a particular location in a country. For instance, as the concept of a ‘knock, knock joke’ may not be understood by someone carrying another cultural traits. Some other culture-bound words as picked up by Chad Lewis are ‘pie chart’, ‘high five’, ‘get out of jail free card’, ‘touchdown’, ‘piggy bank etc. which are commonly used in the United States but may be hard to understand to people from different states.

Non-Verbal Communication Skills in a multi-cultural Environment:

Chad Lewis, in his Successful Communication in Multi-cultural Environments, orchestrates how the non-verbal expressions matter to the successful communication under a diverse cultural rainbow. To him even the secondary channels like smell, movement (fidgeting), our body position (posture), facial expressions, yawning to convey a message are important to have a control over, though it not always possible to do so. For example, seeing a person riding a bi-cycle we can guess that the person is too poor to own a car, he or she has a low social status or perhaps the person had their driving license revoked, though the person might have used it just for being environmentally friendly.

Another challenge of the communication in a diverse setting lies in the fact that the secondary channel to convey an expression may be interpreted just opposite to people with other cultural identity. So learning the body language, personal space or distance in a conversation, and intonation being practiced in a particular community can be very crucial to have learned to develop your communication skill.

In communication, kinesics that refers to the usage of body language, gestures, eye-contacts etc. can be another issue to pose challenges in a diverse culture. In some places eye-contact is treated as a sign of paying attention or showing interest, but still there are communities that would rather readily take it as a sign of aggression. Again, head wobbling being used in India as a body language to answer a question can lead to misinterpretation to some other cultural context. One more example can be cited in this regard is a physical movement like giving a quick pat on the back to show support or encouragement to a colleague can put you in an awkward situation as there are places where touching of any kind especially between the opposite sexes is strictly prohibited.

Intonation conveying a non-verbal message can be another communication challenge for a diverse group as the meaning associated with it is not universal. For instance in the sentence, ‘you are going to party’, the accent on the word, ‘party’ would indicate a question for one group while some other groups may take it as an expression of anger or irritation.


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Tips and Tools to Improve Collaboration and Increase your Bottom Line

Don’t judge
Notice what you do and how you do it
Understand your communication style and others people style by taking a DiSC & Motivators assessment
Fill the gap between two communication styles
Be perceived for who you truly are and not for who people think you are
Reward yourself and others according to interests, values and drivers

You will not only enhance your personal and professional relationships but notice a change in a way your interact with others. You will finally feel heard and understood. People will collaborate with you and help you reach your goals. You will feel empowered and confident you can get things done. You will as well dramatically increase your results, reduce your level of stress and improve the quality of your relationships.

Organizations have recorded a $13000/employee increase in their bottom line by simply creating awareness about Communication Skills and developing their teams. It can represent up to +19.2% in Operating Income.

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Burnout, and after?Burnout, et après?

“I was coming out of a burnout and was just leaving a state of high anxiety – which I wanted to quit. At the same time. I knew I wanted to change the direction of my professional life, but was unable to create any steps to move forward. This was greatly affecting my private life – mostly in handling a relationship. I felt stuck and wanted to move forward.
It was a third attempt to say yes to coaching, after two failed experiences… I brought a big challenge for my coach and she actually took a very different approach than the previous ones to challenge me. Despite the fact that everything occurred over phone, I really had the feeling she could understand instantly the way I was functioning. As a result, she was always offering some extremely simple methods, exercises which usually had a huge and immediate effect in my personal and professional life.
Because of my work with Belinda I have managed to get over anxiety, to recover fully from this burnout. Whenever I “FEEL” I am able to analyze the causes of my emotions and try to understand them. I am capable to rely more on my intuition, and this helps me a lot in my daily life. I have the confidence that what I have been looking for is waiting for me, and has never been so close. I just have to accomplish a few final steps to obtain it.
On one hand, it took me a lot of time to be fully started in this process due to my past experiences, and be able to accomplish by myself the steps. On the other hand, some progresses were extremely fast, and I certainly have traveled a long way – by growing more over 9 month than over the 9 past years! I’m really grateful for Belinda’s help.

Anne-Laure C. Project Manager in the banking and financial industry, France“I was coming out of a burn out and was just leaving a state of high anxiety – which I wanted to quit. At the same time. I knew I wanted to change the direction of my professional life, but was unable to create any steps to move forward. This was greatly affecting my private life – mostly in handling a relationship. I felt stuck and wanted to move forward.
It was a third attempt to say yes to coaching, after two failed experiences…! There was a big challenge for my coach! And she actually took a very different approach than the previous ones to challenge me. Despite the fact that everything occurred over phone, I really had the feeling she could understand instantly the way I was functioning. As a result, she was always offering some extremely simple methods, exercises which usually had a huge and immediate effect in my personal and professional life.
Because of my work with Belinda I have managed to get over anxiety, whenever I “FEEL” I am able to analyze the causes, and try to understand them. I am capable to rely more on my intuition, and this helps me a lot in my daily life. I have the confidence that what I have been looking for is waiting for me, and has never been so close. I just have to accomplish a few final steps to obtain it.
On one hand, it took me a lot of time to be fully started in this process due to my past experiences, and be able to accomplish by myself the steps. On the other hand, some progresses were extremely fast, and I certainly have traveled a long way – by growing more over 9 month than over the 9 past years! I’m really grateful for Belinda’s help.

Anne-Laure C. Project Manager in the banking and financial industry, France

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Emotional Intelligence for Leaders and Self Leaders

IQ-vs-EQ - Global Leadership coachingEmotions

don’t belong in the workplace – or do they? Depends on who you ask! If you ask catabolic leaders,they’re likely to agree. But anabolic leaders have a different point of view – they understand that emotions can’t be left at the office door. Our comparison between anabolic and catabolic leaders continues with an exploration of how aware they are of their own and others’ emotions, how they express their emotions, and how they manage or control them in the work environment. Awareness, expression, and management of emotion are the three main aspects of emotional intelligence. In the Energy Leadership Development System™, emotional intelligence, EQ, is defined as the ability to distinguish, understand, and have an awareness of how thoughts and feelings connect with outward displays and behaviors, as well as the ability to manage and express appropriate emotions and help others do the same. Let’s look at each of the components of EQ and see how they are different in catabolic and anabolic leaders.


Catabolic – Not only are these leaders unaware of their own emotions, but they are unaware of other people’s emotions as well. They’re also unaware of the effect they have on others. Anabolic – These leaders are not only aware of their and other’s emotions, but they’re able to step back and recognize that their emotions are not automatic (emotions arise from interpretations). They also look for clues in their emotions, asking questions such as “Why did I have this response, and what can I learn from this?”


Catabolic – Many catabolic leaders have a limiting belief that expressing emotions should not be done in the workplace. They don’t want people to see their emotions, and don’t want to deal with the emotions of others. When they do express emotions, they often express them inappropriately, for example, by yelling or rolling their eyes. Anabolic – Anabolic leaders understand that emotions are a part of each of us, and that they can’t be “turned off” at will. They know how to appropriately express their emotions, at the appropriate time. By sharing, acknowledging, and validating, they create an environment in which their co-workers and staff feel valued and understood.


Catabolic – Catabolic leaders can’t manage their own emotions, and therefore, the people around them don’t look to them in times of crisis for guidance and support. They tend to be frustrated, angry, and resentful, and this is apparent to everyone. Anabolic – Anabolic leaders have the ability to manage their own moods and to help other people shift to more positive moods. They also are able to control their own emotions, even during stressful situations. They respond, instead of react, and their generally calm attitude promotes a positive work environment. Emotional intelligence is directly related to interpersonal effectiveness. The higher your emotional intelligence, the more effective leader and communicator you will be. For a further discussion of how the two are related, you can order Energy Leadership, Transforming your Workplace, by Bruce D. Schneider and access reports and bonuses . I you want to develop yourself and your team on emotional intelligence, we offer as part of the Energy Leadership Development System developed by iPEC an entire section on Emotional Intelligence, and gives useful and easily implemented strategies for increasing EQ.

Thanks to Inovizion for the visual 

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From a Fear-Based to a Love-Based Leadership Using Global Leadership Coaching

Global Leadership Coaching assists individuals and organizations to perform better, innovate and serve the community while increasing profit.

How Fear Based Leadership Limits Individuals and Organizations’ Growth

Love, Lead, Learn - Global Leadership Coaching

In brief, short bursts, fear can be useful and powerful. Fear is distinguished from anxiety in that it indicates an immediate threat that can be responded to. In the shared past of the human species, the threat often took the form of a natural threat. The release of energy at the end of a brief encounter was a critical part of returning to healthy functioning. Now, unfortunately, the concept of leadership at many organizations has been clouded by perpetual fear. Fear arises throughout an organization when humane concerns are sacrificed to achieve short-term profit goals at the expense of team members and the future. Fear spreads unconsciously in response to an entirely profit-oriented environment and fear’s effects are usually not questioned by those who suffer from them.

A fearful, ego-centric view of business supplants true leadership in favor of focus on “managing” people as if they were unruly and untrustworthy. Fear-based management abides in the belief that those in an organization “would never get anything done” unless they are continuously threatened. Rather than resolving a problem, this attitude creates one: Lack of trust leads to lack of productivity and lack of engagement caused by acute but unspoken consciousness of oppression. Relentless focus on individual gain in the form of money and promotion worsens this issue not just in America, but worldwide. This results in limitation of growth for our communities or organizations and invests all leadership within one personality. When the leader departs, the “machine” left behind disintegrates: As a limited “physical and mental” machine, it cannot generate integrity from its ego-based approach to external data. So long as it is believed that the enterprise can aspire to no benefit other than profit, there is no basis for evolution. Under such conditions, everyone associated with an organization is shackled by a self-interest viewpoint. The effects of this on the psychology of the group are obvious.

A new type of leader - Love based leadership -  Leadership Coaching

The benefits of a Value Based Leadership

One antidote to the fear basis has been values-based leadership. This is one important step away from the mechanical conception of enterprise and toward a concept that encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions. Instead of seeing work as a job, an evolution takes place wherein it can be understood as a career. The transformation from a fear basis to a values basis is a profound one. Leaders in such an enterprise focus on the long term and their goals naturally serve the community in which the enterprise is embedded. “Win-win” opportunities emerge more naturally than before because all of the different constituencies and communities impacted by a given enterprise have something to gain rather than being locked in a web of mutual exploitation for the gain of the few.

A sense of social obligation creates a resilient basis for fulfillment among employees and customers while imbuing the entire community with shared understanding of its role in the ecological environment. Under the conditions of this awareness stage, the organization is empowered with its own identity separate from the leadership. It generates anabolic energy that motivates every member to undertake evolution in their values, beliefs and assumptions. The business is no longer chained to the tyranny of external data and is free to evolve on the basis of internal data and values. In an individual, we might call this self-knowledge. As the enterprise develops its own soul, leaders no longer focus on fear but on positive feedback, collaboration, and shared values. It focuses on transformation among individuals using an outsider perspective. Overall, there is a balance between “hard” and “soft” skills in the workplace environment just as there is in life. When all these elements are achieved, it then becomes possible for any enterprise to reach the final and highest stage.

How Bringing More Love in Leadership Enables Individuals and Organizations to Reach their Full Potential

Another way to approach any enterprise-level evolution is love-based leadership. In this final evolution, the enterprise supports society and continues to deepen its understanding of the matrix of needs and wants represented by customer and employee. Environmental and community stewardship is made a priority and there is an understanding of the continuum between the enterprise and what might appear to be “outside” of it, including the community at large. Work is now perceived as a mission: Because of this, it is possible to champion a higher level of energy and consciousness within the organization.

Leadership love - Value based leadership - Global Leadership CoachingThere is no more basis for narrowing of perspectives, so it is understood that what is done within the enterprise can freely benefit the local area, the nation and the world at large. Profit becomes more easy to obtain in this final stage of transformation because there is a wider recognition of the organization and its ability to provide love experiences. Members of the community and of the enterprise come to recognize that there is no duality or conflict between profit, internal benefit and the greater good: In fact, the apparent conflict between these things is an illusion fostered by a fearful environment. At this elevated level of energy and consciousness, profit derives from the activities of individuals acting in a harmonious concert with one another. The enterprise becomes the heart of a values-centered mission for each person involved — and it provides a structure that anchors each person to the core values of love and trust. This allows each employee to reach fullest potential in the context of a specific approach to generating value for all of society. One can think of the arrangement of energy and consciousness displayed here as a “spiritual spiral” where the enterprise is at the core and the individuals within it are constantly growing, nourished and reaching out further and further toward the most distant elements of the environment that are impacted by their work. In this state, the energy of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual poles of human identity will all be fully activated. Everyone can benefit from this transformation by continuing to displace individual egos and seeking ways to express and achieve love more highly in a service orientation. Likewise, the world as a whole can benefit as the principles of this consciousness transformation ripple through similar and interconnected enterprises, further reducing the burden of fear. 

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Monochronic Vs Polychronic Cultures

Monochronic Culture is task oriented and focus on one thing at a time and respect deadlines. People who lives in these cultures are low context and need often more information in order to move forward. They emphasize as well promptness.

In a Polychronic Culture, you will see people doing several things at once, being distracted and easily managing any unforeseen situations. Individuals living in those cultures focus on relationships, are high context and usually have all the information and conscious of the big picture.

If you are interested in finding more about the differences existing between cultures to understand and communicate better with your friends, partners or teams.


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