Response to change #3: Tolerance & True Concern

As the workplace and your life are transformed, you can tolerate the differences by learning how to cope. Each transformation is a part of the natural evolution and growth process. Although we may not want to embrace the new policies, we can learn how envision each policy with a positive outcome. Consider how each policy can be used to benefit yourself, your family and organization. New policies are adopted for a reason and by considering what this reason is; we can learn to cope with it.

Global Leadership | Tolerance

As we take this opportunity to use positive energy and attitudes in our lives, we can practice self leadership and take control of our own perspectives. Once you have reached this milestone, you will feel less stressed out and become more relieved.

After you made the conscious decision to view things in a positive light, stop and consider how these transformations can benefit those around you. I once had a conversation with someone who lived in California. I was impressed by the progress and green initiatives the state had taken up. When I asked her about them, he responded negatively. She did not like the progress being made because switching technologies incurred a cost. Due to this, she had decided to move to another state.

Instead of embracing the new policy, she chose to run away to avoid it. At no point did she stop to consider what this policy meant for her neighbors, coworkers and the environment. Rather than realize that this policy could make a healthier quality of life for everyone around her, she was only concerned about how she used to do things and what the policy would cost. Ironically, she would have saved money over time after making the switch. Instead of stopping to consider this factor, she rejected any new policy and left the state.

We each have the possibility to take advantage of new policies in our lives. We can view them negatively like she did, or see their true value. A policy is intended to impact more than just you. Consider how it can benefit other people, attract newcomers to the area or create a better environment for your family. New policies are not chosen without reason. By contemplating what these reasons are, we can learn how to adjust and even like the new policies.

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Response to change #2: Denial & Conflict

By viewing change negatively, some people will reject that it even exists: this is called denial. They refuse to use the new policies in their work and will not accept the new status quo. Transformations challenge our belief systems and daily habits. Rather than transform their lives, these individuals choose to remain with the old patterns of living. They may try to bargain with the instigators of the new policies or bargain them down. Overall, they seek to negate the differences in the workplace because they see the new policies as a loss.

Denial as a response to change

When confronted by other people, the individuals who are against the new policies may respond with anger or hostility. If you are one of these people or know someone who greets each new policy with denial, anger or despair, we can help. Individuals who do not seek help for dealing with these new transformations may face a wave of discouragement, concern, confusion and discomfort.

What about taking another approach? How would it feel to go through a transition while experiencing pleasure?

Learn more 

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Response to change # 1: “Victim” Thinking

Global Leadership Coaching | Response to ChangeWhy me? Why do I have to do this? Whose idea is it anyhow? How does this impact my life?

A lot of people will ask these questions when confronted with new policies or ideas. They may react with surprise or negativity to any new events in their workplace or private lives. Change often brings with it a very strong emotional charge. Some people let this transformation control their minds externally and have a negative perspective. They may react emotionally to the new ideas and policies by exhibiting fear or displeasure. Individuals may fear the loss of control in the workplace, the unknown or be afraid that they will lose influence with a friend. They believe this transformation is a slap in the face and was intended for them alone.

This negative perspective is draining. It takes the focus away from enjoying life and instead causes individuals to feel unsettled depression, disappointment, insecurity and avoidance. By not practicing self leadership and taking each transformation as an opportunity to do better, individuals impact everyone around them negatively.

Does that sound familiar?

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Understand the Different Responses to Change and Develop Self-Mastery

In one of our past issues we discussed how to transform our organizations and our lives by demonstrating courage, commitment and self-mastery. These conscious decisions to enhance our lives with positive energy are important, but it is just the first step. All of these traits are performed internally. To make the most of our potential, we have to focus on external work as well.

Your life and your organization may feel the impact of change at times. This transformation may make individuals feel stressful or anxious as they are pushed out of their comfort zone. They may think that the instigator does not care about their feelings or ideas. This new environment may make employees feel less competent or at ease. Individuals feel a loss of purpose as they face new tasks, but the loss is only in their minds. They have just as much value in a new organization than they had previously had in the old—any loss of value or purpose is just in their minds.

If you or someone is experiencing change, you need to make yourself aware of the different perspectives and responses that can be given. Change is an opportunity for everyone to learn new manners of thinking and skills. It can be a source of positive energy and self leadership if individuals make the conscious decision to treat each transformation with an open mind. If these new transformations are viewed negatively, negative energy will result. You have the power to transform your thinking and the thoughts of those around you. This transformation can be a source of positive energy if you allow it, but only you can make that choice. If you notice the change or know someone experiencing it, here are the responses you may give or be given (click on each link to learn more.)

“Victim” Thinking
Denial & Conflict
Tolerance & True Concern
Non-Judment & Embracement 

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How to Overcome a Challenge at Work | The Bully Phenomenon

When you read Whitney Johnston’s  article which describes bullying behaviors in an original manner, you realize how common the bully phenomenon is.

Bully exists, and sadly many people don’t realize they have been bullied; they lose self confidence and self esteem while working with this “sweet” leader or coworker who slows them down by using their weaknesses. For them, the workplace is perceived as hostile and their engagement may dramatically decrease in such a stressful environment.

According to the Workplace Bullying Institute,”  up to a third of workers may be the victims of workplace bullying. About twenty percent of workplace bullying crosses the line into harassment. The New York Times found that about sixty percent of workplace bullies are men, and they tend to bully male and female employees equally. Female bullies, however, are more likely to bully other females. This may be because there is more pressure on females trying to succeed in male-dominated workplace, and more competition between females for promotions.

Regardless of its source, workplace bullying can have serious negative effects on employees, such as:


-Absenteeism and low productivity

-Lowered self-esteem and depression


-Digestive upsets

-High blood pressure


-Trouble with relationships due to stress over work

-Post traumatic stress disorder ”

Successful individuals and organizations, require assistance to solve a conflict or to improve a relationship with a difficult coworker or leader and to learn how to overcome a challenge at work.

By exploring strengths and weaknesses that were exhibited we work on gaining the confidence back. When weaknesses become opportunities to develop new strengths, the bully is usually caught off guard and reassesses his/her behavior accordingly.

The process developed by Equanimity Executive, LLC is powerful and allow the person bullied to be aware and to respond to these situations in a way that will empower them. For organizations, the real benefits are to enhance relationships and encourage fierce conversations about the topic.

Learn how to overcome a challenge at work by contacting us for your free consultation. 

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How Transition and Global Leadership Coaching Works For Me

With a very busy schedule and always a lot on my plate both personally and professionally, I hoped that my coach would assist me to prioritize, better define my goals, and move towards them in a very positive way. All this Belinda has partnered with me to do using her excellent coaching skills. Using her insights and thoughtful, purposeful questions, I was able to gain clarity around my strengths and goals. I faced some “blocks” head on and with Belinda’s help was able to move beyond them. I also learned that things don’t have to be perfect before I allow myself to let them out into the world. This was a huge breakthrough for me. The thing that I benefitted from and enjoyed the most was the close and trusting relationship that we built up while coaching. Having someone champion me and celebrate my successes along the way, while holding me accountable to do what I said I was going to do has been invaluable to me. During the process I’ve developed more self-belief and seen what I’m capable of. Also, despite a very busy day to day schedule, I can keep moving forward to my goals and dreams. I am in an ongoing coaching relationship with Belinda and know without doubt that I will have many further breakthroughs and successes. I have full confidence in her as coach and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

– Rosemary D., Small Business Owner, Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer, from South Africa, Sarasota, FL – 

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Busy at Work and Still Bored?

Mark de Rond in his article  about being busy at work and still feel bored gives perspectives to many people who find themselves in the exact same situation. These individuals feel lucky to have a job or a career that anyone would want, but they still feel unfulfilled or unsatisfied wondering what is wrong with them.

Luck is mentioned in the article; it doesn’t appear to me to be the reason which led Mark to make his life purposeful.  At some point he felt bored, acknowledged this feeling then chose to respond according to what was in his best interest as a human being. He found himself at a place where he had confidence in his abilities and his potential. In addition, he took responsibility as well to tell his boss, the only luck he (maybe) had was to have him to listen and to support him in his journey.

Mark made actually a very good point by talking about the ego piece. Many people experiencing success at work and in life for a period of time. Suddenly “the key to a meaningful life — at work and elsewhere — lies in turning our focus from ourselves to “the other” “. Indeed, when basics needs are met and that we have confidence in our abilities, our ego lessens in our mind it lets larger space for reflection. We then look for greater purpose for ourselves, our families and our organizations and we turn naturally ourselves to others.

It is an article that I will definitely share with clients to illustrate some of situations they experience. It will certainly bring light to many of them.

Reflection and exploration of what you really want will lead to enthusiasm and excitment. 

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What can you do to stop a negative environment and stay positive?

One of my dear friend posted an interesting question of our Facebook Page

“If you’re forced to work with a pessimistic person who would complain about everything in her position but refuse to change a thing, this could probably bring you down. What can you do to stop this negative environment and stay positive?”

Hi Audrey,

It is a typical situation happening at work and it can happen in a relationship as well. It is probably fair to acknowledge we all have to experience it one day or another in our professional environment. It is understandable for a person working with a negative coworker or living with a pessimistic to feel drowning in negativity as well sometimes. There are many opportunities for improvement and if you want a positive change you may get it.

1- the person who desires the change and stays positive wants to ask what makes her/him so affected by this negative behavior.

2- when the situation arises the feelings and the emotions provoked needs to be identified, acknowledged and validated.

Identify and acknowledge the emotion: “I feel irritated because even though we reached our goals my boss has complained about the fact we could have done better”, “I feel upset because for my coworker it is never enough, I want to celebrate my great work but I can’t with this pessimism”, “I feel down because my boss is always complaining about our results and not recognizing our efforts”

Validate: In any of this situation comfort you by recognizing that these feelings are exactly what they should be in these circumstances. Everybody would feel irritated or frustrated in any of the given situation when they happened. You are totally normal!

3- Now comes the time to detach oneself from the emotional stage and to rationalize the situation. Indeed, how much control do you have on this given situation?

How much do you think you can change a person? A)I certainly can /B) I don’t know/C) I can’t
How much does the situation worth your energy? A) A lot/B) A little/C) None
How much do you think you can change yourself and your attitude toward this situation? A) I certainly/ B) I don’t know / C) I can but I won’t

If 2 or more of your responses are C questions move to #4
If the responses are B or combination of A & B move to #4
If the responses are a combination of B & C or only C Stop here and ask yourself how much you really want the change and how much comfortable for you it may be to stay in this situation. It may be easier for now to blame the other for feeling drained and being down, it may be denial of your own negative energy or it may be wanting to keep this conflicting relationship for other reasons that may be explored.

4- A relationship has been established between “you” and the person with the negative attitude. Responding the same way over and over will make the situation remain the same and repeat itself over and over again.

What can you change in your response that may break the pattern?
Since the negative energy may drag you down, how much do you think your positive energy may impact the other person and lift him/her up?

How much would it cost you to have a conversation with this person and telling him or her how this negative environment MAKES YOU FEEL? (Incriminating and blaming the other will only aggravate the situation, expressing your emotions and how you feel will open a healthy dialogue). Indeed this person may not even notice that she/he is acting in such a negative way and since you have always tolerated the behavior, the individual may not think it impacts you.

Remember that most people are simply not aware of the kind of energy they put out there because they are focusing on themselves and don’t get real feedback which truly gives the opportunity to challenge oneself and its belief system.

“How much would you appreciate the feedback if you were this person?” may as well be an appropriate question to ask oneself.

I wish this will help the person to clear this draining energy in order to focus and to enjoy the realm of positive energy which fill you up! 

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Your Potential Quest

Everyone has heard of reaching for their potential at some point in their life. As members of a leadership team, you have the ability to not only reach your potential, but also help others to reach their own potential in life. By coaching yourself and others around you, you can reach greater results and help others to work at the best of their ability.

The value of coaching cannot be underrated. As a part of leadership on any team, it is your duty to work on coaching those around you. Other senior members of your organization will be there to provide coaching and extra assistance if you need help. Although there is not one simple way to quantify potential, it can be achieved by developing an open mind and seeking out new perspectives in life.

Only individuals who try have the possibility of success. Living in constant fear of failure makes it impossible to try at a task that you can actually succeed in. The worst that can happen is that you learn from your mistakes before you try again. Thomas Edison failed at creating a working light bulb 1,000 times before he made a working model. When asked about it, he did not say that he failed. He believed the light bulb was just a task with a 1,000 different steps. Edison had to try and learn from each of these “steps” before he made a working model.

As you work to learn the value of seeking out your potential, remember to always ask for what you want and help those around you to succeed. If you cannot ask for help or ask for the things you need to succeed, success will continuously elude you. Likewise, once you have reached your potential, try and help others out along their way. In the end, you may learn more by helping those around you than by your own efforts.

As member of a non work related entity such as marriage, church, community, friendship, you want explore leadership opportunities as well, coaching will help you to find yourself at more at peace and to accept challenges, to transform those into opportunities. Meanwhile it will help those around you. As you learn the value of seeking your own potential in life, help out others around you to reach the same level of success.


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Humility as key attribute of a Leader

Stories fill the pages of world news about global leadership taking credit for success, but there are few instances where leaders go out of their way to claim a failure. This attribute is rather unfortunate because the best leaders practice humility in their management technique. Humility involves listening to those around you and recognizing mistakes. No leader is perfect. By recognizing mistakes, we can ultimately learn important lessons.

Co-workers and employees need to know that the leadership is willing to recognize their mistakes and listen to everyone around them. By showing that mistakes happen, the leadership team develops a relationship of respect with those around them. Co-workers and employees are more likely to listen to someone who first listens to them. By building a relationship of mutual understanding, leaders set up their businesses for success.

As a part of practicing humility, leaders are able to forgive those around them and recognize their own limitations. No one can do every task and asking for help gives someone else the opportunity to learn a new skill. If the employee fails at the task, be ready to forgive and provide assistance. As humans, we learn more from our failures than from our successes. Giving others the chance to fail helps them to develop as workers and future leaders. By regularly practicing humility in the workplace, leaders create the type of environment that is conducive for success.

How much do you show this quality in your life and at work?

What would you gain from developing humility at work and in your life? 

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